Work life balance, balance through Fall equinox.

Say Goodbye to Summer and Welcome the Chance to Rest, Revitalize and Find Balance This Fall 

The leaves are starting to turn, their vivid greens phasing into a yellow that, we know only means one thing, Fall is on the way. 

But saying goodbye to summer doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Summer is busy, you're always on the go, feeling like you have to take advantage of the warm weather all the time. This sometimes means you don't always prioritize other things like rest and work-life balance. Fall is the time of the year where things start to slow down, which means you can focus on work-life balance. 

If you are feeling a little out of balance, like the last few months were just a haphazard scramble of trying to work and find the time to make the most of summer, we’ve got good news for you! 

The Fall Equinox is right around the corner! This year the equinox will take place on September 22 at 19:21 pm. 

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But what is the Equinox you ask, and why should you care about it? 

If you are a believer in astrology then what it means is: the equinox welcomes The Libra season which focuses on balance not only within yourself but also with others and the planet. With the help of the harmonious Libra, integrate all the reflections from Virgo. This just means, It’s time for change and hopefully finding some balance!

And if you don’t exactly believe in astrology then the equinox is the moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator heading southwards.

It’s the last time of the year where the day and night are equally long. It also marks the end of summer and the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. 


What this means then is that the equinox is a great time to focus on balance and work-life balance!

Finding work-life balance can be tricky when we awake in the dark and emerge from our workplaces in the dark. 

Once we pass the equinox daylight hours get shorter and shorter until it can feel like there's hardly any sunlight in our day. It can make your entire day feel like all you did was work and this can set off your work-life balance. 

In the fall, we need to keep checking, re-adjusting and re-aligning our priorities to achieve a healthy work-life balance. 

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We have some tips to manage to deal with the emergence of the shorter days and long nights and ensuring that you get that work-life balance under control. 

  1. Don't beat yourself up if you get a little out of balance this time of year. Just be aware of it and catch yourself and make some changes before the craziness of the winter season.

  2. If you think you will find yourself emerging from your workplace in the dark, think carefully about why. Research has suggested that employees lose their focus within seven hours of work. Are you sitting at your desk too long without real focus? Would you be better off coming in earlier and leaving earlier? Could you negotiate work-from-home hours with your employer? Do what you need to do to ensure that work-life balance! 

  3. A priority for everyone should be exercised. Research shows if you exercise regularly, you're less likely to feel a conflict between your working life and your home life, thus ensuring work-life balance. There isn't a perfect time to exercise, but exercise is a perfect way to release stress. If you've already given up your summer exercise routine, how can you integrate exercise into your fall regime?

  4. You might have to adjust your sleep schedule, your work schedule or your play schedule. It’s not summertime anymore so going to bed earlier can be a little easier. 

  5. Recognize that there is no such thing as a perfect work-life balance. It’s rather elusive. Make your goal for this season, as well as any season; getting joy and satisfaction from both work and life to ensure ultimate work-life balance.

Now that we have equipped you with the tips you need to reset yourself and restore some much-needed balance and work-life balance to your life, have a look at some awesome balance-inspired jewellery that we are featuring this month. 

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The sun and the moon are a union of opposites. The sun is masculine while the moon represents femininity and a kind of calmness. The sun and moon together represent life and rebirth. Where there is good, there is bad. Where there is dark there is light. The sun and the moon represent two sides that will always be in balance. Like the sun and the moon, find your balance this month!

In-store and online you can find these beautiful moon pendant necklaces. Embrace the equinox, the beginning of fall and the opportunity this change in season gives you to rest, reset and find the inner balance that will also allow you to find your everyday and work-life balance. 

Another feature piece we want to showcase this month is these compass pendant necklaces. 

The compass represents guidance, orientation, independence and inspiration. Wear this pendant and feel like you are taking the right steps to achieve balance, in your personal life as well as your work life. 

A compass signifies independence and the willingness to move out of your comfort zone. Wearing the compass symbol is a sign of independence and confidence that comes from knowing that no matter what, you’ll always find your way. Find your way to balance, peace and rest this month!

There is something very classic about wearing the compass symbol on a pendant. The compass is a versatile symbol and lends itself to be styled in many ways. As you can see from the two images below, one pendant is stylish and modern whereas the other evokes nostalgia and has an antique charm to it.

No matter what your goal is for this month, or the remainder of the year, make restoring balance and work-life balance a priority in your life. Follow the tips we mentioned or don a beautiful moon or compass pendant to inspire your inner need for balance as well as beauty. 


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